Tuesday, June 8, 2010
8 JUN 2010
I came early today.In the early morning, im not too busy but it change when evening come.Many jig problem such as EMMA BOOT WRITE ,VIDEO NG and PC AUDIO.I have to do 4 hour OT today to solve problem in cell 8.THe holder that hold video2 jack have burn because of unproperly soldering wire.The technician ask to change many time of jigs.IT is about 3 times,but all standby jigs have more2 big problem.Then last thing,they dcide to put old jigs but repair /change that holder.Luckily we have one extra holder.THe problem is just finish solved at 7.30pm from 4.30pm.3 hour duration time.Anyway im doing my best here.Im just follow the advice of the technician.OK.That all for today.time to sleep.Tomorrow early morning going work.n wait for the lecture to come..haha
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I coming today(saturday) shift c2 night.We have to do rework because there are wrong software ib model changing yesterday.This is happen in cell 3.The lot size is 600 board.The we decide to ask all ME handmount to do that rework!!.Wow 600 board.Luckily the board didnt pass to mainline.IF not maybe big2 problem maybe happen.Anyway i got a little experience how operator work and feel.I am doing a function check job.OUr shift just do around 250 board because another shift have do the balance eraly morning.This event will became a lesson to us..HOPE this not happen again.Log book also not finish write yet.OK.bye2
Thursday, April 29, 2010
29 April 2010...
Today I am doing some preventive maintenance to the jig so that it will gives good result in production...i am troubleshoot almost all cell with all my ME handmount staff..we have use the lerning that have been teaching by all engineers very applicable.
Always the main and most problem in the Handmount Area is HDMI cable..The jig always have problem with the HDMI coz sometimes it didnt fully connnect with the board..We as ME have to do reallignment to repair the HDMI cable so that it will be ok...and oso not damage the Board thar Handmount made
Very Important to know that HDMI cable is so expensive..THe price is between RM150 and RM200 for new HDMI..Our department has buy around 50-100 HDMi per week to handle 18 cell and 61 jigs..assumption for the cost is around rm10000 per week..
So expensive..Our target For sony i sdeduce cost increase production..so that we try to buy the second hand HDMI...and oso try repair the cable as we can..
Today Im going home..at 7.30 pm..joi tis morning around 6 am oso..as usual C1 shift la...hurm so tired...always work around 12-14 hour per day..rest and sleep about 5 hour n then go work again...and 1 more thing tis saturday 1 MEI, Labour Day,I need to come coz our supervisor wan to create new cell..and do some dressing..
Always the main and most problem in the Handmount Area is HDMI cable..The jig always have problem with the HDMI coz sometimes it didnt fully connnect with the board..We as ME have to do reallignment to repair the HDMI cable so that it will be ok...and oso not damage the Board thar Handmount made
Very Important to know that HDMI cable is so expensive..THe price is between RM150 and RM200 for new HDMI..Our department has buy around 50-100 HDMi per week to handle 18 cell and 61 jigs..assumption for the cost is around rm10000 per week..
So expensive..Our target For sony i sdeduce cost increase production..so that we try to buy the second hand HDMI...and oso try repair the cable as we can..
Today Im going home..at 7.30 pm..joi tis morning around 6 am oso..as usual C1 shift la...hurm so tired...always work around 12-14 hour per day..rest and sleep about 5 hour n then go work again...and 1 more thing tis saturday 1 MEI, Labour Day,I need to come coz our supervisor wan to create new cell..and do some dressing..
Thursday, April 15, 2010
15 April 2010....Sony EMCS Bangi
15 April 2010....Sony EMCS Bangi
6.00pg..Punch in ID..
6.00-1.30..Maintenance Jig...Function Check And Data Writer..
-pc check,pc edid write.standby chk prblem,LVDS cable...etc..
1.30-2.00...Break Hour..
2.00-7.45...Dressing cell 4,make new look to become a sample for other cell..maybe this saturday n sunday got overtime...hmmm change other 17 cell..to tis format..
today so tired 4 hour 30 min..OT
6.00pg..Punch in ID..
6.00-1.30..Maintenance Jig...Function Check And Data Writer..
-pc check,pc edid write.standby chk prblem,LVDS cable...etc..
1.30-2.00...Break Hour..
2.00-7.45...Dressing cell 4,make new look to become a sample for other cell..maybe this saturday n sunday got overtime...hmmm change other 17 cell..to tis format..
today so tired 4 hour 30 min..OT
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Second Day Sony EMCS ( North Plant )
8am until 2.00pm...Briefing all about SONY
* General Briefing - Mr.Pian
* Information Security Management-Ms Geetha.
* 5's< Dicipline And Misconduct-Ms Norashimah.
* Safety and Health-Mr Yusmadi.
10.30 am(15 minutes) and 1.30pm(30 minutes)...REST
2.oopm-5.30pm...Department TV ME 1
Still didnt get a locker..we know a many of staff in HM(heal Mount)..Mr Ang as Manager,Mr Izzam As asistant manager,Ms Amirah,Mr Saufi,MU, n etc..they all very kind of person n very helping...today i learn about the function checking for BAL-GA Board..we learn how to solve the problem if the machine or device having trouble..i'm happy working here..although it is very tired..maybe for this month they doing a triple shift..s1,s2 and s3..cause of lesser production...tecnical problem...k anyways just this only for today..tired>>sleep..Thannks for read..
* General Briefing - Mr.Pian
* Information Security Management-Ms Geetha.
* 5's< Dicipline And Misconduct-Ms Norashimah.
* Safety and Health-Mr Yusmadi.
10.30 am(15 minutes) and 1.30pm(30 minutes)...REST
2.oopm-5.30pm...Department TV ME 1
Still didnt get a locker..we know a many of staff in HM(heal Mount)..Mr Ang as Manager,Mr Izzam As asistant manager,Ms Amirah,Mr Saufi,MU, n etc..they all very kind of person n very helping...today i learn about the function checking for BAL-GA Board..we learn how to solve the problem if the machine or device having trouble..i'm happy working here..although it is very tired..maybe for this month they doing a triple shift..s1,s2 and s3..cause of lesser production...tecnical problem...k anyways just this only for today..tired>>sleep..Thannks for read..
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hari Ini..05 april 2010..Hari pertama aku masuk praktikal kat sony ecms Bangi..Datang dr kul 8 pagi sampai kul 6..besa la dtg nek mtr kan..pg2 dah ada briefing ole encik pian...x tahu la jawatan dy ape..mungkin HR kot...bek gak dya..Suh isi Borang..pastu tggu dalam w8ting room lama...kena panggil amik kasut n wes(x pasti ejaan) n tgkp gmbr la..masuk dlm id ma..he...mcm biasa la posing bek nyer..pastu kul 10 kot..makan kat cafe...terkejut aku dbuatnyer..murah giler!!! makan kat sony lagi kalau nak cmpare kat uni10..best siut..ns ayam rm3 jew..sedap bEB!!try la..petang diajar cara2 msuk punch in n out ID..mcm besa ler..pastu aku dihntar ko Department aku TV ME 1..ada 17 org sudent kat TV ME 1..ramai2 tu..tapi2 dpch2kan ag ke HM,MLine...mcm2 ag la...x pasti nama...Aku ke HM(Heal Mount)..bhagian nie kira bsr gak la tugas dya..tmpa kita org...bole delay production..dasyat btul..aku pun kena dprknalkan ole asisntant manager kat hm tu...En azizi kot..bek gak dya..bawak kita org tour dalam site tu..fuhh besar dow...penat bjalan..bole sesat..ape2 pun hari pertama x banyak belajar..anyways penat btul tapi BEST ok!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Final Exam
Minggu2 final exam semakin dekat..preparation utk study kena dimulakan skrg..semster nie paling teruk buat aku...xtahula..sama ada aku malas ataupun subjek susah..doakan aku berjaya..;)
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